Welcome to the Allergy Center of Connecticut.
Please arrive 15 minutes prior to scheduled appointment time. We look forward to seeing you.
Office info:
Norwalk &
Here is a list of items that may help with your first visit.
- Please fill out new patient form (form) prior to the visit. Please bring your insurance card and identification.
- Bring any previous allergy tests, allergy shot records, x-rays, CT scans, or other relevant medical records will provide valuable information. Bring along fresh samples if a fruit or vegetable allergy is suspected.
- If possible, stop antihistamine medications 7 days prior to your visit. Three days is a minimum. Do not stop asthma medications. Do not stop anti-histamine medications if needed to control current symptoms (i.e. hives). Click here for a list of mediations to avoid.
- Prepare a list of questions and concerns.
- No perfumes or any type of fragrance should be worn.
- Review the No Show & Cancellation policy (here).